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Underlying database in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2021-01-12Updated:2021-01-12
Similar words: underlyingdata basedatabasedata-basedata-basedcomputer databaserelational databasedatabase management
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1. The underlying database contains all stars brighter than 6.5.
2. The underlying database is invalid.
3. Make sure that the underlying database on the client and on the server contains the same data.
4. Check your underlying database to make sure your fact tables contain data.
5. If not supported by the underlying database method, this directive is ignored without comment.
6. Automatically adjust execution strategy to accomodate changes in underlying database schemas, such as the addition of new indexes.
7. Typically, a module also accesses an underlying database. Some experience with a relational database and SQL is helpful, as well.
8. The only access to the underlying database objects is through the specific statements in the package.
9. A Data Source provides the connection properties to the underlying database along with connection pooling mechanisms.
10. Keep in mind that when you use a typed DataSet, if the corresponding schema changes in the underlying database table, you will need to synchronize the schema in the typed DataSet.
11. But HQL does enable you to pass native queries to your underlying database.
12. The previous example only contained a measure that was taken from one fact table in the underlying database.
13. All of the ultra - tricky details of transactions are handled by the underlying database.
14. The software analyses the data in the files and places this in an underlying database.
15. A report model is a business description of the underlying database.
16. Paging allows easy navigation for the end-user and - if implemented correctly - reduces the load on the underlying database.
17. Object Relational Mapping was created to abstract details of the underlying database from the Java object model.
18. The following steps will illustrate how to build a simple multi-fact model that incorporates a manually created time dimension based on a time dimension table found in the underlying database.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. The transaction isolation level is the degree to which the underlying database exposes changed but uncommitted data to other transactions.
20. This annotation performs the actual mapping between the class name and the table in the underlying database.
21. Making changes is useful, but if your client cannot apply those changes back to the underlying database,( it will do them no good.
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